Not bad,
Need's a lot lot lot lot lot lot more content though. Being able to create blocks would be nice. 6/10 Good job :)
Not bad,
Need's a lot lot lot lot lot lot more content though. Being able to create blocks would be nice. 6/10 Good job :)
This is SOO much better than the original, and the original was EPIC fantastic....gawd.....
ehh nothin special.
not bad, gets boring too easily but you've made it so unexpected when a new tile comes...I like that :)
Not bad,
Graphics are smooth, and pretty nice. Sort of addictive but it's a bit too repetitive.
Also, there's one insy tinsy little bug can still shoot when your ammo is down the bottom, just slowerfire rate. I suggest making it so that when it hhits the bottom youu gotta wait like 5 seconds for it to go up a bit, overall not bad :)
Bleh. Bleh, I'm an extremely noob animator. I don't know coding or anything, I just try to learn as i go along. Which doesn't really work. I know the insiest tttiiiiinnsiest bit about coding, but...I suck at it. That's why I do movies. -sigh.
Joined on 11/16/10